Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Wai, it's been AGES since I last updated. XD; But then that's mostly because I couldn't afford to get to the gym for a while with all the projects at work that I had to handle, plus my increasing responsibilities in other aspects of my life.

Anyways, I've been taking sessions almost religiously for the past three weeks (save for when I was feeling ill, like this past Sunday). Of course, it all began because those weeks have been marked by heavy rain and even a couple of storms, which contributed to some brouhaha over my broadband connection - and yes, that meant the agony of not being able to play Granado Espada. Couple that with the fact that Presea asked me to cosplay the rather svelte GE NRPC Brunie Etienne, and the upcoming wedding of our friend and fellow cosplayer Dukesa, I decided that it was high time to return to getting healthy. Because I had to jumpstart my return to the world of fitness, Kuya Rommel has made it a point to end every session with SO MUCH PAIN, but at least - unlike before, when I'd be lying awake counting sheep like this: O_O - I can now sleep earlier after a tiring but very gratifying workout. In fact, I'm proud to note that I hardly open my computer anymore normally don't sleep any later than 12:00 midnight, which is a huge achievement because I've gotten so used to being the last one to fall asleep at home due to spending too much time on the internet (and playing Granado Espada, hahaha). Go me! ^0^/

(Then again, a few days ago I kinda blew my diet going on a fast food binge like a woman possessed. Ah well. XD;;; Must work harder.)

While doing some exercise and fitness research for work, I stumbled upon this quiz. I was answering very conscientiously until I got to number 5:
When I do sit-ups, I am working towards reducing fat...
  • only in my abdominal area.
  • only in my "love handles".
  • in all parts of my body.
  • Doing sit-ups does not reduce fat. It does, however, increase my sex appeal.
... Um, ano daw (what)? 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Okay, back to real work! I'll add the correct answers to the quiz tonight after my trip to the gym, whee. X3

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