Saturday, February 11, 2006

Welcome to the family Maia!!!

My oldest cousin in my dad's side, Ate Grace Arguelles (nee Pascual) gave birth to a healthy baby girl on Wednesday, February 8th, 12:30 am. According to her, her labor was relatively painless and completely epidural-free thanks to the Lamaze exercises she and her husband Kuya Michael did, although it was terribly drawn out because the baby wouldn't come out.

Congratulations guys! Welcome to the world Maia! =^~^= {cuddles her baby niece}

This is a shot of Tita Linda (Grace's mum, Maia's lola or grandma, and my dad's older sister) kissing Maia. So, SOOOOO cute.^~^

(Picture hidden for protection purposes v^V~v)

For more pictures, please visit my virtual family album right now. Thankies and enjoy! v^_^v

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