Wednesday, March 28, 2007

PORTED FROM VOX: QotD: My Dream Room

In your ultimate dream house, what does your favorite room look like?

Right now, I already live in my dream house, and I have my favourite dream room! \^0^/

Only, it's not just as clean and as organized as I dreamed it to be. XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Photos after the cut! (If you're wondering why I'm here, it's because I was camwhoring for some LJ-based fashion communities. :P)

My bed back in college, almost a year after we moved in - still so fresh and clean! XD Taken in 2005.

My room in 2008 - MUCH messier and more lived-in, LOL. The desktop I'm using right now is behind me in this shot.

Another one. See the clutter on my bed? The camera here is perched on my shoe closet, a recent addition.

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